Bird/note silouette

Can you come and sing every Monday evening starting 9 September to prepare for a concert in late November to inspire action through music and song?

This is also a place to have fun and enjoy each other’s voices and companionship with a common purpose.

Our theme for the fall concerts is Teach Your Children: Songs for the next generation.

Are you a singer?

Seattle Peace Chorus, under the direction of Fred West, is holding auditions for singers to join our exciting upcoming new season!

Seattle Peace Chorus singers, photo by Mel Melton

Rehearsals are on Monday nights
beginning 9 September 2024 7:00 pm—9:30 pm
Wallingford Area

  • Read more about auditions and rehearsals.
  • Complete this form to schedule your audition. After you submit the audition form, you can visit a rehearsal before you audition.
  • Dues are $180 for the spring, which includes your sheet music.

Submit an “Audition Request” form on our website.

Our recent concerts have been supported by:

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Membership in Seattle Peace Chorus

Singing together, in concert halls and during marches and demonstrations, has always been a part of how Seattle Peace Chorus promotes messages of peace and justice, but membership in Seattle Peace Chorus has always meant more than singing together. Help us in these times to continue to reach out to change people’s hearts and minds.

Your regular dues as a member of Seattle Peace Chorus entitle you to participate in all our activities without further fees. If you choose not to become a regular member of Seattle Peace Chorus, however, you may pay a modest fee to offset the cost of hiring technicians and musicians to bring virtual experiences to fruition.

If you have not previously joined as a member of Seattle Peace Chorus, to sign up to participate please fill out an audition request form and tell us how you’d like to participate.

Members past and present may sign up by contacting us at

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We urge everyone to support organizations that promote peace, protect our planet, and fight for the underprivileged. See this list of organizations that we support.

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For both singers and listeners, the Seattle Peace Chorus provides a unique choral experience. Our commitment to peace and social justice creates a special bond among members and with our audience.

Our repertoire, reflecting our multi-cultural, multi-national focus, ranges from spirituals and gospel to Mozart and Beethoven, from South African freedom songs to the original works of our director Fred West.

Performances often include an exciting range of instrumentalists from Cuban drummers to chamber orchestras. This rich variety is sustained by our commitment to using a collaborative process for decision making, enabling members to influence repertoire decisions through a committee that any member can join.

In addition to traveling to countries such as the former Soviet Union, Chile, Cuba, and Venezuela, and performing two major concerts a year, we support peace and community activities by singing at rallies, marches, fundraisers for disaster relief, and similar events.

If our unique approach to choral music appeals to you, consider joining us as a singer, volunteer, or financial supporter—or simply come to our concerts and be inspired.

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Because of the developing SARS-CoV2 virus and the COVID-19 illness that it causes, we urge everyone to be especially careful to take care of yourself and those whom you love.

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Peace to the Planet: All Life Is Sacred

Peace & Justice newsletter - Seattle Peace Chorus

Don’t miss the latest issue of our newsletter.

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Seattle Peace Chorus Pandemic Protocol

Last updated: 12 September 2023


Our goal is to continue in-person rehearsals and performances while maintaining safety for all participants from COVID, including the latest variant.

For singers who are not able to or do not feel comfortable attending rehearsals in person, but who would be able to perform in person, we will record and stream our rehearsals on Zoom.


Our protocol has these parts:

  • Recommendations for concert guests
  • Vaccinations
  • Monitoring and living safely
  • Masking and distancing
  • Room management
  • Remote participation

Recommendations for concert guests


  • We want you to be protected from COVID; however, for now, we will not require proof of vaccinations or negative COVID tests to attend our concerts.


  • Masks are optional but recommended for all patrons, regardless of vaccination status. Also, please be considerate of others.


All singers must be vaccinated and up to date on boosters. This includes getting the new Moderna or Pfizer vaccination when you can.

Monitoring and living safely

We do not want anyone who might have COVID or is likely to have been exposed to COVID to attend in person, but will provide a Zoom alternative to participate at home.

If you feel the slightest bit under the weather, ask yourself serious questions and do not come to rehearsal if you have a scratchy throat, sniffles, a slight cough, diarrhea or feel “off” in any way. If you don’t feel well, even if you don’t think it’s COVID, or are not planning to attend a rehearsal for any reason, email

If you suffer symptoms, however mild, and suspect that you might have COVID, you can get a PCR test immediately. If you do not have symptoms but have been exposed to COVID, wait at least 5 full days after your exposure before taking a test. If you take an antigen test at home, bear in mind that a negative test is not always accurate, so, if your test is negative, take another antigen test 48 hours later or get a PCR test. Of course, if you test positive for COVID, we expect you to stay home until the danger of passing it to others is gone.

Everyone who attends a rehearsal will be tracked on a roster, so that we will have a record of all our own contacts if any of us gets sick.

Masking and distancing

Inside our rehearsal room, wearing masks is optional, but please maintain a respectful distance from others while singing, and wear a mask if you like.

If you have forgotten to bring a mask, we will give you an N95. Otherwise, we recommend the Resonance Singer’s Mask from, or a similar mask from another source, such as the VocalEase mask at

Room management

We may open all windows in our rehearsal space; even in cold weather, at least one window will be open. We might put fans at the windows. Fresh air is more important than air purifiers in dispersing any potential viral aerosols. We will try to keep it as warm as we can (as few windows open), using the carbon-dioxide monitor to give us a measure of air flow. Therefore, dress warmly.

We will keep windows open throughout the winter, so dress warmly. We will deploy HEPA filters in the room. Bring your own to add to ours if you like.

Remote participation

Tom will broadcast or record all live rehearsals and make these available privately on Zoom, and put recordings on our website. If you need to miss a rehearsal because of a possible exposure to COVID, you will be required to follow or catch up virtually.

Contingency plan

This is a changing landscape, so the board may change our protocol mid-season if conditions worsen.

If any of us gets COVID and others are exposed during an in-person activity, we will skip rehearsal for a week and ask you to quarantine yourself. If you develop symptoms, let us know and get yourself tested, then report your test result.

If our plans go awry, or if we are not able to maintain a quorum of singers, we will announce new plans.

We are not making this up

The WHO, CDC, Washington State, Seattle-King County, and our rehearsal and performance spaces set and periodically modify policies for coping with the pandemic. We will follow the best and most conservative advice to keep everyone as safe as possible. But a great deal of responsibility lies with you. Please be careful and respectful.

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Thank you everyone who helps support the Seattle Peace Chorus.