Donating to the Seattle Peace chorus not only helps bring the messages of peace and understanding to our communities and world, it’s also easy to do! We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so donations are tax-deductible. Our identification number is 91-1380540.

Seattle Peace Chorus has ongoing expenses that make possible our performances and advocacy for peace and justice. All active members support the chorus with their dues and by volunteering.

  • $20-100 per singer pays for our scores
  • $50 per concert pays for printing tickets
  • $50 per concert pays for our sound guy, who sets up microphones and speakers
  • $150-600 pays for a soloist or musician
  • $350 pays for recording a concert
  • $700 pays for our concert program
  • $500-1000 per concert pays for a church or concert hall

You may donate either through Patreon, PayPal, Venmo, or by mailing a note and your check to Seattle Peace Chorus, P. O. Box 30152, Seattle, WA 98113-0152.

We are @Seattle-PeaceChorus on Venmo

Become a patron of Seattle Peace Chorus by pledging a monthly donation on

Become a Patron

In addition to making a donation, you can also:

  • Ask your employer for a matching donation.
  • Donate services (printing, copying).
  • Spread the word:
    • Invite SPC members to speak to your group about places we’ve traveled  such as Cuba and Venezuela.
    • Tell someone about the Seattle Peace Chorus.
    • Share our website with a friend.
    • Share information about upcoming concerts.