Seattle is 18 miles from the largest store of nuclear weapons in the world, at Naval Base Kitsap - Bangor.
Each Mother’s Day, the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action organizes a protest against nuclear weapons at the gate of the naval base, and Seattle Peace Chorus Action Ensemble joins this effort to help bring awareness to the danger the these weapons create. Even so, this should be a joyful, hopeful event. In 2022, it was on Saturday 7 May; in 2023 it was on Saturday 13 May.
Seattle Peace Chorus Action Ensemble sings after 1:00 pm, and has been invited to stay through all of the rest of the activities involving the protest against nuclear weapons until 4:00 pm.

In the interest of COVID safety, our rehearsals will be OUTDOORS, at Gas Works Park, where we’ll have plenty of room to spread out while still hearing each other -- either under a big shelter roof if it’s raining, or out in the open if it’s not. Either way, the outdoor air flow (plus space for distancing) will allow us to sing unmasked without compromising safety. Given our chilly Seattle springtime, we’ll all need to bundle up for this, but it’s worth it! Let’s all get back to singing activist songs for peace & justice!
As those of you who’ve sung with AE before are aware, we have two types of repertoire that we prepare for various events:
- “March Songs” — these are popular peace-and-justice singalong songs that are easy for anyone to pick up & sing with us… often augmented with custom lyrics geared for a specific issue or event. We call them “march songs” because we like to sing them while parading down the streets at protest marches for peace & social justice issues, while handing out lyric sheets to any of our fellow marchers who are inspired to join in & sing along. But we also sing them at rallies & meetings of social justice organizations, when they want us to lead their gathered participants in song… like we’ll be doing alongside the entrance to the Bangor Submarine Base, during the Ground Zero event.
- “Stage Songs” — these are choral arrangements of peace & social justice-themed songs, usually in 4-part harmony, that we perform for the crowd at rallies & other gatherings — often to inspire the audience to action on a particular topic. As AE music director, Doug Balcom has composed and/or arranged many such stage songs over the years, for a wide variety of issues.
The repertoire for our two upcoming rehearsals will include both types of songs:
- A set of 11 classic AE singalong “march songs,” tailored to the issue of the calling out the madness of nuclear weapons. You’re probably already familiar with a lot of these songs, and the rest are very easy to pick up — we’ll be singing them mostly in unison, with volunteer harmonies welcome but optional. Here’s a link to the lyric sheet we’ll be singing from (designed to be printed two-sided in landscape mode, and folded in half to make a 4-page booklet):!AlbaEBZPmA-DhsFv0qWL_jD9ijOduw
- A brand-new “stage song” about nuclear weapons, called “The Lucky Ones.” At a recent planning meeting for our Ground Zero event, the AE Coordinators threw out a suggestion that Doug should write a new anti-nuke song for the occasion — and he took it as a personal challenge. His songwriter brain started churning on it, and wouldn’t let me rest until he’d created a tune and 5 verses worth of lyrics. From there, he proceeded to arrange it for 4-part choir, and tonight it’s hot-off-the-presses and ready to go — including a full SATB choral score with guitar accompaniment, as well as compact (2-page) scores for each choral part. Our intention is to perform the “world premiere” of this song at the Ground Zero gathering, as a musical offering right before their keynote address. Here are links to the lyrics, scores and audio files, so you can start learning the song at home if you’d like:
- Lyrics (to get a feel for the song’s content before you start singing — warning: it’s pretty dark):!AlbaEBZPmA-DidB4D1-eUn1tPLldeQ
- Full choral score w/guitar chords:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidAf_0Q-snEnPxVoHwv
- Soprano compact score:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidBJWQGG4PMTz58wKQ
- Alto compact score:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidBUW-qwUitr6OT_EQ
- Tenor compact score:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidBkndqmWuyV-JE9vQ
- Bass compact score:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidBxcnuEVI85m1gxGA
Audio learning files (computer-generated, with simulated wind instruments playing the choral parts):
- All parts balanced:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidA6mvVyfPfssRLXYQ
- Soprano-focused:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidA4NXYn2mN12YY4VA
- Alto-focused:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidA55l3IC-HLDlQ2bg
- Tenor-focused:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidA7mE5BcBb-J-oG1w
- Bass-focused:!AlbaEBZPmA-DidBKTwYh9X04ufFykQ
Special note to altos & basses: you’ll notice that your scores (and audio files) include a few sequences for which are offered two different sets of notes for you to choose from, one octave apart. This is to allow both higher & lower-voiced altos & basses to tailor your singing to a more comfortable part of your voice range, in places where either octave will serve the character of the passage equally well. (In other places, where only one set of notes is offered, feel free to just sing very lightly if the notes take you outside the most comfortable part of your range.)
Altos who’d like to perform “The Lucky Ones” with us on Saturday should definitely take one full hour between now & Thursday’s rehearsal to sing along with the rehearsal video, which will teach you the song quite well. Doug has set a new bar here in video instruction for AE, and you should take full advantage of it!
- Alto full rehearsal video (1 hour):
- Alto video run-thru of the song (4 mins):
Basses who’d like to perform “The Lucky Ones” with us on Saturday should definitely take one full hour between now & Thursday’s rehearsal to sing along with the rehearsal video, which will teach you the song quite well. Doug has set a new bar here in video instruction for AE, and you should take full advantage of it!
No separate score is required – the video displays a highlighted score right on the screen, that you can follow along with as you learn the song.
Here are links to the new learning materials for the bass part (including a run-thru video that sings through the song once, for extra practice once you complete the rehearsal video):
- Bass full rehearsal video (50 mins):
- Bass video run-thru of the song (4 mins):
If this new choral work seems too daunting for you to learn, don’t worry — we’ll have experienced singers to lead the way when we’re rehearsing & performing it, and you can participate in the Ground Zero event even if you skip doing the “stage song.” We’d love to have you with us regardless — the majority of our singing there will be the singalong songs at the Bangor gate… with many other Ground-Zero-affiliated peace activists singing along with us. It’s always fun & inspiring.
We greatly look forward to seeing you and singing with you for peace & social justice, carrying forth our regularly active intent to implement the SPC mission. If you have questions, email, call Dale at 612-327-6515, or Sue at 651-503-3402.