The SPC Action Ensemble is a group of volunteer singer-activists made up of current & former Seattle Peace Chorus members and other like-minded singers from the Seattle area. We sing at rallies, marches, demonstrations and other gatherings for a wide variety of peace and social justice causes, as well as at schools and youth detention centers. We believe in the power of music to inspire action, and to lift the spirits and strengthen the resolve of our fellow community members as they gather to protest injustice and work for a better world.
Of course, we sing in support of peace and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, both within our communities and between nations, and against war and militarism. But we also recognize that the cause of peace is inextricably linked with issues of human rights, social justice and environmental protection. We lend our voices in support of equal rights and social & economic equity for women, LGBTQ people, racial and religious minorities, Native Americans, immigrants and refugees, the homeless, victims of violence, and other groups that face discrimination and disadvantage, as well as in defense of a clean and sustainable natural environment for current and future generations.
For many examples of events where the Action Ensemble has performed in recent years, see the Community Appearances sections of the Concerts and Community Appearances page.
Our repertoire varies with each event. It often includes popular march and rally songs – with lyrics customized to the event – designed to encourage the audience to sing along with us (in unison, with harmonies optional). It sometimes also includes issue-specific stage performance songs in 4-part harmony.
The SPC Action Ensemble currently holds regular monthly rehearsals on the first Monday of each month from 5:30 to 6:45 pm, at SPC’s normal rehearsal location in Wallingford. We sometimes supplement this with additional rehearsals as needed to prepare for specific events. Our shoestring budget consists of donations from members as well as support from the larger SPC. If you would like to join us, to request more information, or to be added to our mailing list, please e-mail ae@SeattlePeaceChorus.org.
Ground Zero - 14 May 2017
See Margarita’s inspiring message to the judge, on being cited for her passive resistance at Ground Zero Non Violence Community at the entrance to Bangor Nuclear Submarine Base, Just Beneath Our Clouds of Grey.
Scores for the March for Science
Title | Description | Actions |
Down to the River.PDF | Original score | View Download |
Where There Is Unity.pdf | Score from Doug Balcom | View Download |
Love Will Guide Us.PDF | Original score | View Download |
FreedomIsComing.pdf | Freedom Is Coming | View Download |
March Songs.pdf | Eyes on the Prize, Rise Oh People | View Download |
Rehearsal Tapes
Click on the file name to download it, or click on the player to hear it in your browser.
- Download: Unity_rehearsal.mp3
- Download: LoveWillGuideUs_rehearsal.mp3
- Download: DownToTheRiver-rehearsal.mp3
- Download: FreedomIsComing_rehearsal.mp3
- Download: EyesOnThePrize_rehearsal.mp3
- Download: RiseOhPeople_rehearsal.mp3